Then I decided to check out the Natural History Museum, but the web site said due to the Easter school holidays, the lines would be long, especially in the dinosaurs hall. Boo!
As the weather was cold and grey and looked like it could open up and pour anytime, I decided to stay in the Wimbledon area. Wimbledon is very pretty. The main street is super busy, but the side streets are peaceful. I took a nice long walk and just enjoyed the sights. All in all, a nice relaxing day.
Now to explain the photo of my stove. It's a De-Dietrich. The stove top works great! It did take some time to figure out how it works, but it works. The oven on the hand, not so much. It's more like a fancy microwave. When you start the oven, you enter the cooking time, and select the air flow. The inside of the oven is smaller than my microwave at home...pretty small. No cooking a turkey in this oven, even a small chicken would not fit! This over-rated little oven took a yummy looking small pizza and turned it into a charred black weapon. The cooking instructions on the pizza box stated to cook for 15 minutes. I decided to try 10 minutes and then check it. WOW is all I can say. Yummy pizza in, hockey puck out.
I don't think the oven will get much use. Instead, I'll try the actual microwave.
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